" When we recall the past, we usually find it is the simplest things - not the great occasions - that in retrospect give off the greatest glow of happiness "

Bob Hope

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Mouse That Ate The Cake

     Linda had a sweet tooth especially for cakes and cookies, even when it was just the two of us she would make a cake for the weekend and the cookie jar was always full. Back in those days we were in our twenties and our calorie intake was much higher than when we hit our fifties and sixties and Linda was not diabetic then either.
     She made chocolate chip cookies, two layer carrot cake, pan carrot cake and at Christmas time she made an assortment of sugar cookies decorated with colored sprinkles or jellies. We ate these delicacies for desert with ice cream, we ate them with ice cream late at night, the cookies we just grabbed by the handful every time we passed the cookie jar. Two dozen cookies lasted a couple of days and a cake would go for three to four if we didn't share with friends.
     After the kids came along there was even more reason for cookies and cakes, the boys soon learned all about the contents of a cookie jar, as they got older their friends knew where the cookie jar was and two dozen cookies wouldn't make it through the day. They were limited to two or three cookies at a time but they took it to mean per hand.
     About the time Linda turned fifty she developed diabetes and had to watch her sugar intake, giving up the chocolate chip cookies didn't pose that big of a problem but giving up cake was another thing. She had developed a taste for peanut butter chocolate chip cake cooked in a pan. The pan had a top on it, I would cut a two or three inch square as a serving portion, Linda on the other hand had to eat smaller portions if any at all. I would look into the pan and there would be a small piece maybe three quarters to one inch square missing, a little while later I would look again and another small square was missing. When I asked Linda what was going on she would tell me that a mouse must have ate the cake.
     When MJ came along one of the first things I taught her was what was in the cookie jar, she was a two fisted cookie eater.
     I never did catch that mouse but then he didn't eat that much so I didn't mind.

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