" When we recall the past, we usually find it is the simplest things - not the great occasions - that in retrospect give off the greatest glow of happiness "

Bob Hope

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Pride and Joy

                                                      Pride and Joy

     I never thought to much about my heritage until a few years ago, I was never overly concerned about the Riggan name going forward into the future, if one of my sons produced a son to carry forth the name, great, if not then Granddaughters would be just fine with me. Then last summer we got the news that Danny and Marie were expecting a baby boy.
     With great excitement and anticipation I have been waiting for the birth of my Grandson and on Thursday, February 5, 2015 at 10:38 am one Matthew Brooke Riggan began his life kicking and screaming at the top of his little lungs and believe me he vocalizes very well, he weighed in at 7 lbs 14 oz and 21 inches long. When I first laid eyes on him he had not been totally cleaned up and only his mother and father could touch him, he was red and a little blue with dark hair matted to his head, his legs and hands were flailing in time with his screams. I watched as all around me ooh'd and aah'd at this noisy little bundle of joy, some said he looked like his mother, others said he looked like his father. I must confess that at this stage I can not denote any family resemblance, to me he looks like the beautiful baby that he is and I am proud to be his Grandfather just as much as I am proud to be MJ's Grandfather.
     MJ seemed to be very nonchalant about the loud little bundle that dad was holding when we walked into the room, she was more concerned about seeing her parents whom she had not seen since the night before ( she spent her first night away from home with Grandpa ) but then her curiosity seemed to take over. 
     It is now several days later and I think she is getting used to having a little brother although I don't think she truly understands the ramifications of being a Big Sister.
     Thank goodness I have two legs and two arms so I can hold a grand kid on each knee, I promise not to show any favoritism but I will double up on my spoiling technics. I will be 70 by the time Matthew will be ready to go fishing I only hope I will be able to keep up, fishing from a boat may not be in order then but I think I can remember how to rig a cane pole and cork bobber for bank fishing.
     I don't want to put any pressure on Matthew at such an early age but the future of this branch of the Riggan clan is in his hands. He bears the distinction of being the last baby boy born in three generations to carry the name Riggan who could possibly produce future sons to do the same. In all honesty I would have been just as happy if Matthew had been a girl, the bloodline will continue on with MJ as it will with Matthew, in their veins they carry a piece of their mother and father, their Grandparents, Great Grandparents and generations of ancestors before them. Regardless their name or gender the Riggan bloodline will continue. 
     Linda was upset that MJ would not remember her and Matthew would only know of her yet in them she lives, she is a part of them and will be a part of the generations to come from them, in that sense she will live forever as she so rightly deserves.
     The day Matthew was born was difficult for me. I remembered Linda, in her illness, setting a goal to live long enough to see her Grandson and hold him in her arms, she struggled and fought hard but it was not to be. Her absence still weighs heavy on my heart and seeing Matthew produced mixed feelings of pride, love and sadness. I know Linda would be just as proud and happy with Matthew as I am. I wish she were here, I still love her.

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