" When we recall the past, we usually find it is the simplest things - not the great occasions - that in retrospect give off the greatest glow of happiness "

Bob Hope

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Acts of Kindness

                                           Acts Of Kindness

     There are many acts of kindness that are exhibited on a daily basis by ordinary people who have sincere feelings for their fellow human beings, recently I have been privileged to witness several such acts.
     I have long known that Linda has touched the lives of many people every where she has gone. I can't tell you how many babies around the country have been wrapped in crocheted blankets and booties that she has made and donated over the years, well over one hundred in the past year alone. I have delivered several large bags of crocheted afghans to the local homeless Veterans shelter. Many times I have come home to find one of the boys' friends staying with us for a few days because our home was a better environment than their own or find one of Linda's friends who was sick and needed someone to watch over them. According to the Bible " cast thy bread upon the waters; for you shall find it after many days ", Linda is now finding her bread.
     It all started when Linda came home from the hospital, knowing that people would be upset if we didn't tell them about her condition I contacted friends and family to let them know just how sick Linda was, there were tears, moments of denial and hugs of sympathy and compassion. Then came the offers to help - " if you need anything call any time ", " what can I do to help ", the offers are many and sometimes overwhelming. Neighbors have sat with Linda while I went grocery shopping or picked up a prescription, the young neighbor next door has come over twice at odd hours to help me lift Linda back onto the bed, his wife has offered to cook. Our friend down the street has come to visit several times and has brought fresh tomatoes from the garden and once while watching Linda as I went to pick up a prescription Linda had an accident and fouled her clothing and bed sheets, by the time I got back the bed was changed and Linda was cleaned and dressed. My best friend Ken and his wife Marlene recently brought us food, coming here is hard for Marlene as she recently lost her sister, she came anyway because Linda is her friend. Linda's sister Vicky and niece Chelsea  planted flowers in the pots outside. Linda has received cards of thanks and well wishing from people she doesn't know or will ever know but in some way she has touched them or people they care about. My sister Vickie knowing that Linda is a letter writer and enjoys getting letters has been sending her post cards from places she visits and cards with letters telling of her latest adventure. Her best friend Diane flew in from Arizona to spend a few days and recall better times. Sister Eileen is driving up from Florida this week to do what she can and hopes to cheer Linda up. Our dog Lizzy alternates between Linda and I but mostly she lays in bed beside Linda ready to protect her and waits for Linda's caress or scratch behind the ear. The Hospice nurses have been great and treat Linda as if she were their mother. All of these acts of kindness come with sincerity and from the heart.
     This past weekend culminated the sincerest and most heart warming of all that has happened thus far, it was so touching that several times I had to step outside and get some air. Clay and Maggie started things off when they came by Thursday after work, Linda was tired but she sat up on the edge of the bed and gave them her undivided attention. Linda loves both her sons equally but Clay is the baby, he was her traveling buddy, growing up he needed her more than Danny or I therefore he holds a special place in her heart. When they got up to go Clay leaned in to hug her and told her that he loved her, saying those words were special enough but the way he did it meant even more, she later told me about the incident with watery eyes and pride in her sons.
     Growing up Danny was the social butterfly and was always bringing home a friend, some were fair weather friends but there were a very few who have stood out and became his life long best friends - they are Emile, Matt, Brooke and Crystal. These kids spent hours and days at our house, they became a part of our family, went on Florida vacations with Linda, raided the cookie jar and she drove them to many track meets. She proudly refers to them as her adopted kids, they called her Mom and always treated her kindly and with affection. Sadly, Emile a young African American who ran track with Danny died in a car accident on prom night, Linda cried at his funeral and feels his loss even now. Crystal has gone on to achieve high academic honors and lives on the west coast, Danny stays in touch with her and tells Linda how she is doing.
     Saturday Matt and his new bride drove over from Huntsville, Al. and spent time with Linda. It has been a couple of years since we last saw Matt, Linda was in the Hospital then about to undergo heart surgery. Linda was happy to meet his wife and reminisce his teenage years. When he left Matt leaned over and hugged her goodbye, it seemed to me it was if he was hugging his own mother. I got a similar hug as I walked them out though I know hers was special.
     Sunday morning Brooke called to ask if he and his family could visit. When they arrived Linda again devoted herself to them. While a Marine in Afghanistan years ago,Linda would send care packages and letters to Brooke, she remembered how things were when I was in Vietnam. After a while as his wife looked on and his baby boy played at our feet Brooke looked at Linda and thanked her for taking him in and making him a part of our family, I don't remember his exact words as I was getting choked up but I do know they meant a lot to Linda. Brooke could have easily taken the wrong path but I like to think that some of the time he spent at our house woofing down Linda's chocolate chip cookies made an impression on him - he has done well for himself and his family.
     Marie and MJ soon joined us and not long afterwards Linda rested and even I took a power nap. When I awoke Clay and Maggie and Danny had arrived  and Linda asked them to help her to the living room where there was room for everyone. The mood was jovial, the chatter loud and the babies were the center of attention. Linda looked around at her family, the little boys who all called her Mom years ago and still do today talked and laughed, they are all young men now with families of their own. Any parent would be proud to have any one of them for a son but this weekend they were and always will be her sons. Linda was tired but happy as we put her back to bed, she wanted to stay up longer but she was drained.
     These kids took the time to come here this weekend because Linda was Mom she needed them and they loved her.

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