" When we recall the past, we usually find it is the simplest things - not the great occasions - that in retrospect give off the greatest glow of happiness "

Bob Hope

Saturday, August 24, 2013

The List


                             The List

     I love movies, always have since I saw my first one at a drive-in when I was a young lad.  I can't remember what I saw but I do remember Mom getting Dad to take us somewhere, he tried to talk us into going to a fight but we wouldn't have it. All of this happened when it was just me and brother Pat.  Brother Clint may have been in the making but it was definitely prior to having a TV in the house and it was a "Drive - in" movie.
     The old black and white movies of the 30's & 40's still intrigue me.  If they weren't engulfing me in a fantasy world of suspense or comedy then it was the excitement of a story of WWII or some cowboy saving the day and winning the heart of a lady. You always knew who the good guys were and it was a foregone conclusion that the good would overcome evil.  There were the late night "Million Dollar Movies" on Friday night and the serial westerns on Saturday morning.  When I got old enough there was an occasional trip to the Donelson Theater for a Saturday matinee.  It was there I saw my first science fiction movie about giant scorpions - scared the hell out of me for weeks.
     I personally have a nice collection of VCR and DVD movies from just about all eras and encompassing some of the biggest Hollywood stars of their day - Clark Gable,  Errol Flynn, Humphrey Bogart, Van Johnson, Rock Hudson, Charlton Heston and of course John, "The Duke", Wayne.  When Little Sister comes for a visit we watch movies till we fall asleep.  I can and quite often do watch  movies over and over.  I can't tell you how many times Linda and I have watched "In Harms Way" with John Wayne and Patricia Neal or "The Caine Mutiny" with Humphrey Bogart.
     My movie interest vary from musicals to westerns, comedies to war and adventure to suspense (horror is just not my thing).   Some movies grab my attention more than others and make me want to watch them more often. There are many reasons why I watch a movie multiple times, it is the leading actor or actress or the theme or the subject matter.  Dad would watch anything starring John Wayne and I also rank him pretty high.  One of his favorites was "Mr. Roberts".  As I aged,  my movie interest gradually moved to those dealing with subjects that held true to events that actually took place or themes that relate to real life.
     A few nights ago after Linda had gone to bed I ran across such a movie.  I had only seen it twice before but the subject hits close to home and the actors portrayed their parts beautifully.  The Bucket List, starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, is one of those movies that has climbed high on my watch list.  The movie is about two old men who share a hospital room as they endure therapy for what turns out to be terminal illnesses.  Morgan Freeman's character writes out a list of things he would like to do before he kicks the bucket, Jack Nicholson's character picks up on the idea.  With some reservation and much thought they go off together to complete the "Bucket List".
      As I said, this hits close to home as I am now a senior, but don't go getting excited, I don't have any terminal disease and I am not planning on kicking the bucket any time soon, at least not today. Personally,  I would like for MJ to be old enough to remember she had a Grandfather before I go, another 15 yrs. would be soon enough. A "Bucket List" is a list of items that a person wants to do before they die.  Remember all of those dreams starting way back when you were a kid that you said, "one day I'm gonna ---" or the plans you and your wife made about your future when dating?  In general, all of those things that you dreamed of doing as soon as you could find the time to do them would go on your bucket list. This brings to mind part of a quote having to do with "best laid plans of mice and men ".
     The thought raced thru my head, have I experienced everything I wanted to do, is there more yet to come, or is there nothing in my future to spark the imagination and stir the fires of desire for more. Suppose for a moment that my life to date is yet unfulfilled - what might my bucket list include?
     1.  Ride on a fire truck - I seem to remember doing that when I was a Cub Scout.
     2.  Climb a tall mountain - not that I am afraid of heights but I would rather stand back and admire the beauty.  I can tell you that Mt. Hood in Oregon is magnificent with the light of a full moon reflecting off it's snow capped peak while one lone cloud dissects it's mass.
     3.  Drive a fast car - did that.  I once owned a 1969 GTO and I used to have a heavy foot.  Even had the speeding tickets to prove it.
     4.  Catch a big Bass - I'm working on this one.  So far I'm up to about 6 1/2 lbs. if Linda's brother-in-law guessed the weight correctly.
     5.  I have been swimming in four different oceans/seas - So. China Sea,  Pacific Ocean,  Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico.
     6.  I have traveled halfway around the world and visited seven nations/countries - Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, Hong Kong,  Japan,  Okinawa, and Canada.
     7.  My work took me into all but five of the fifty states.
     8.  I have been fishing in Alaska.
     9.  I have laid under the stars in the High Sierra Mtns. of California with my son and counted shooting stars.
     10.  I grew up in the best of times and have been witness to some of the most dramatic events of history.
     11.  I fell in love with and married the most beautiful girl in the world.  She still walks beside me and lets me hold her hand.
     12.  I have held in my arms the most beautiful babies - my two sons and lately my granddaughter. With any luck I may yet get to hold a couple more grandchildren - get to work boys!
     13.  Go to Disney Land - did that and Disney World too.
     14.  Go sky diving - I have no desire to jump out of a perfectly good airplane.  Contrary to what I have heard about sky diving,  planes, any plane that flies is a good plane.

    I'm sure that if I think long and hard I could come up with a really good list of things I want to do before moving on.  Most I'm sure I couldn't do because I'm no longer as good as I used to be.  Seems  like there is never enough time or money or maybe the realization that it probably could never happen anyway would just move those items to the far back burner and the flame would flicker and die out.  With the mellowing of my youthful priorities,  what was once a wish upon a star has become a lesson in reality, or as Linda recently said,  "life got in the way".  It is probably a matter of perception on my part but my youthful expectations may have been set too low although coming from an era where people lived their entire lives within fifty miles of their birth place,  I have gone far.  I'm not going down in history books and my fifteen minutes of fame were more likely fifteen seconds but when all is said and done I'm happy with my life. I took what came my way and did the best I knew how - guess that makes me a common man and I see nothing wrong with that.
     Having said all of that is there nothing left to keep the flame alive to make me look forward to tomorrow?  The answer is yes - though not what you may think.   Nothing too exciting or thrilling.

     1.  I want to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary with Linda (only four more to go sweetheart, then we talk about options for the 55th,  60th,  etc.).
     2.  I want to see the smile on MJ's face on Christmas morning and watch her blow out the candles on as many birthday cakes as I can.
     3.  How about catching a lot more fish?
     4.  I want to hold Linda's hand and walk down a deserted beach at sunrise.
     5.  I want to make memories that will put a smile on someone's face as they stare into the night sky or watch the flickering flames of a warm fire.

      It is not a big list but each item has meaning for me and there is hope that each can be accomplished.
     I have reached an age where my priorities have shifted.   I no longer worry about tomorrow as I have little control of the outcome.  What I can do is enjoy the day and hope that my deeds are good enough that some day someone will be reading this and the other postings of this blog and a smile will cross their lips or a tear will slide down their cheek.   If so,  my "Bucket List" will be complete.


1 comment:

  1. Your list made me cry. I look forward to celebrating 50 with you and Linda. And meeting more grandchildren!
