" When we recall the past, we usually find it is the simplest things - not the great occasions - that in retrospect give off the greatest glow of happiness "

Bob Hope

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Lil' Sister

                                                              Lil' Sister

      Being the oldest of the family is not always what it should be but there are times when the good out weighs the not so good.  Take siblings for example, (there were times when I wished someone would have taken my siblings).  Growing up they could be a real pain in the butt.  Later on they were  a nuisance at times.  Now they are a part of my past, present and future. We have not always seen eye to eye and even now we don't always agree but we are tied together by blood- the bond of siblings. Each of us has walked the pathways of life some taking the right fork in the road others took the left and some paved their own roads. I miss not being close to my family I would like to see them more often, but whether we are close or far away I know that we have always been there for each other and always will be.
     My brothers and sister are somewhat scattered around the country and not always in touch with each other on a regular basis.  At this time not all of us even talk to each other, (Mom was wrong, I was only one of the kids with a stubborn streak), but there is always one binding agent that holds all of the other ingredients together - in this case that would be little sister Vickie.
     Vickie is eight years younger than me and looking back I would say she is lucky to have lived so long with four brothers.  She could be a real pain in the butt back then. She is the original one and only - the only girl in the family, the only girl in the family history to join the Navy, the only one of us to get a college degree, the only one of us to speak a foreign language, and the only one of us to have four husbands.
     I think Vickie has been more of a focal point for this family longer than any of us realize.  Her concern for everyones well being has always been a high point in her life.  Not just with her immediate family but also with her extended family, which seems to cover all of Tennessee, a good portion of the southeast and working on up the Ohio valley, then shooting out towards the west coast. I don't think she ever met someone she didn't know or know of - if she did they would be added to her family of friends by the end of the day.
     She can be some what bothersome, although never pushy, when she wants you to do something. But she only has best intentions and the welfare of all concerned at heart.  Vickie stays connected with each of her brothers and keeps us up to date with all of the happenings of our siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins far and wide. She is ready to embrace us in our pain or hug us in celebration. Each of us knows that if needed she will drop everything and be there for us. Speaking for myself,  all she needs to do is call and I will be there for her.
     I look forward to new entries to her blog as she travels around the country.  She has a knack for finding little out of the way places forgotten by all but those who remain. In these small country towns she finds the most interesting sights and places that most people would pass without a thought. In her past life she must have been an explorer.
     I have been proud of my sister although I admit to scratching my head from time to time when she comes up with some of her plans. I think of her as a free spirit with a whole world at her feet for exploration.  I envy her the ability to befriend so many people and maintain the relationship. My wish for her is that her life continues to be full, and free as the wind she follows.  I wouldn't change her for anything.
    I love ya, Sis.

     When Linda's illness reached a point that her days in this world were few, I had reached a fork in the road and had no idea which way to turn, Hospice had told me that the end was near and I would be having a hard couple of weeks. I called Vickie and she dropped everything and came to help. It was a difficult couple of weeks but Vickie's presence made it easier. As it turned out Vickie was the last thing Linda saw and for that I thank her.

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