" When we recall the past, we usually find it is the simplest things - not the great occasions - that in retrospect give off the greatest glow of happiness "

Bob Hope

Sunday, June 17, 2012

For Dad

                                For Dad

    Today is Father's Day, it has been a good day for me. My son Clay and his girl friend Maggie spent several hours with Linda and I, seeing the two of them together makes me feel good, it is obvious that they love each other and Linda and I can only hope for a more permanent relationship, Maggie will be welcome in our family. Danny and Marie came in while Clay and Maggie were here, the noticeable swell of Marie's belly indicates that yet another generation of the family will soon be here, boy or girl I promise to love and cherish the child. It is not often that we get together as a whole family, Danny and Clay although close have varied interest and work schedules clash.
    As the day wound down and the kids had to leave I thought of the times when I went home on those special occasions when my Dad was the center of attention especially later in his life. Dad was not one to show much emotion but his eyes would light up when the family was all together and he had grand kids to bounce on his knees. My sons were 3 & 5 yrs old when Dad died and we lived out of state so they didn't really know their grandfather but I am sure he would be as proud of them as I am.
    I believe that every father wants his children to have a better life than he did and to be a better person, this is what I believe and this is what I think my father wanted for me and my siblings. I think Dad would be proud of his family and their offspring.
    Lately my mind has returned to the past many times as I re-visit my life, one of the issues has been my father. Dad wasn't perfect, he had his problems, there were times I turned my back on him, I don't think I understood him and until recently never bothered to try. Dad never told me he was proud of me or that he loved me, men of his generation didn't express sentiment it was one of those things you understood. I am afflicted with the same problem but today I tried to break the habit, as my sons were leaving I told them to be careful and that I loved them. I don't know if they heard me or not but I said it and promise to say it more often.
    As this Father's Day draws to a close I am thinking of my father, because of him I am here, because of him I am me, despite your faults Dad I think you did your best.
    I love you Dad.

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