" When we recall the past, we usually find it is the simplest things - not the great occasions - that in retrospect give off the greatest glow of happiness "

Bob Hope

Monday, February 13, 2023

A Fleeting Memory


     Brother Ronnie once told me a story that took place in the late 60's (maybe). He was not yet old enough to drive but dad had Ronnie driving him around especially when he was to inebriated to drive himself or for whatever reason he didn't want to drive. When Clint and mom found out they were beyond ticked off but in Ronnies defense, he didn't have a lot of say in the matter, having been there I can say it was better to have me or Ronnie behind the wheel even though we had no license and were underage.

     One of the places dad wanted Ronnie to go with him was to see his mother on Sunday mornings. Granny lived in a room in a house in Lebanon and dad like to go visit her on Sunday and Ronnie was recruited to go with him. I guess these trips had been going on for some time although they were not something Ronnie looked forward to after all Granny was old, set in her ways and showed favoritism to only her sons and me. 

     One particular Sunday morning dad came in and woke up Ronnie to go with him to see granny, Ronnie for whatever reason was not in the mood to go and he tried talking his way out of going. After much cajoling Ronnie lost his cool and told dad that he didn't want to go because granny didn't like him and she let him know it. Dad on the other hand wasn't having it and was standing his ground until mom walked in and told Ronnie to go with dad and that's when Ronnie lost it. Ronnie looked at mom and told her "she's your mother-in-law, why don't you go with him". According to Ronnie that was the worst whipping he had ever gotten.

     I can attest to grannie's being difficult, as I said above, she made no bones that her favorite people were her sons and me. Over the years I learned that her daughters and daughters-in-law were tolerated, mom didn't like her for sure. My memories of her are all good but then I was the reigning favorite grandchild and it would be hard for me to give those up.

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