" When we recall the past, we usually find it is the simplest things - not the great occasions - that in retrospect give off the greatest glow of happiness "

Bob Hope

Friday, April 26, 2019

A Quarters Worth Of Fun

     For some time now Kay and I have been getting together with her family on Thursday's to support her niece Jan who has Early Onset Alzheimer. We meet at a bowling center in Gainesville, bowl a couple of games, talk, and go to lunch where we talk some more. Thursday turns into a day long affair filled with joking, criticism, laughter and general merry making.
     I have never known an entire family to be so close as Kay's family is, what effects one touches  all, they laugh together, cry together, feel each others pain and rejoice in each others happiness. Their numbers have dwindled over the last few years but the loved ones they have lost are legends held in high esteem as their stories are told time and again at gatherings such as we have each Thursday. They truly are a family.
     Besides a little cockiness every now and then when bowling, I bring my four year old grandson Matthew to these outings. It started out that bringing Matthew was a way for he and I to have quality time together. The bowling alley is set up for young kids to enjoy bowling along with the adults, they have bumpers that raise up on either side of the alley and plastic dinosaurs that incline, the kids can place the ball on the head and push it down the tail on it's way down the alley to the pins. It amazes me that I can throw a 12 lb ball hard down the lane and knock over a few of the pins while Matthew gives a 6 lb ball a push so slight that it takes the ball forever to lumber down to the pins knocking over most of them in slow motion.
     Matthew was a hit from the beginning, little kids seem to brighten the day for older people and I found myself having to share him especially with Rick, Kay's nephew who is my age. There were times in the beginning when Matthew started out strong but quickly fell into a slump, seems his sleep habits were seriously out of kilter with the rest of the world and he just ran out of steam about half way through the bowling. We would look around and find him laying under a table sound asleep or he would develop an attitude and refuse to participate. I must admit disappointment on my part but I kept bringing him back, each week seemed to awaken a different Matthew but that is the way with little ones.
     Sometimes we pick up Kay's niece Jan who has taken a special liking to Matthew, he puts a smile on her face, at the bowling alley he will talk to her and even climb on her lap. According to Bob, Jan's Dad, Jan would be happy if all she had were Matthew and a dog. This is not to say that Matthew doesn't spread himself around, two weeks ago he was sitting in every body's lap and getting hugs from all. The other person who showers him with attention is Rick. Rick makes sure that Matthew is set up to bowl, he gets the dinosaur in position, helps Matthew get his ball set up and encourages him to push the ball on it's way then high fives and fist bumps with him regardless the outcome, it is fun to watch as Rick carefully positions the dinosaur at the right angle hoping to achieve a strike. Rick will ask Matthew about the toys he brings and listen as Matthew goes into great detail about their capabilities. The rest of us often wonder who is having more fun - Rick or Matthew.
     Today was like any other Thursday, we picked up Matthew,  Kay asked him questions about how high he could count and sang the ABC song with him. He told Kay he was going to save some money and buy a skateboard, Kay asked what color the board would be he said blue, his favorite color. Kay said she thought red was his favorite color which prompted Matthew to say he had three favorite colors, red , blue and green.We picked up Jan and as I drove I could hear Jan talk to him. When we got to the bowling alley  Kay and I grabbed the bowling balls and I had Matthew hold Jan's hand while we walked to the building, it was a beautiful sight.
     Once inside it wasn't long before Matthew's giggles were heard. From somewhere, I think from Pam ( Jan's sister ) Matthew came up with a quarter. Seems like we were all showing Matthew different things to do with a quarter, from flipping it to spinning it and even doing magic tricks with it. He got pretty adept with the magic tricks, he would perform the trick where he would hide the coin in his palm, he would run around showing everyone, giggling the whole time. He learned how to balance the quarter on the end of his finger, then his nose and forehead. Who would have thought a simple quarter could generate so much fun for a little boy. He started out with one quarter but lost it, Pam gave him another then he found the one he lost and as we headed out to lunch she gave him two more for his skateboard.
     Matthew was very active today, more so than he had been before, it was like he was on a sugar high. He was all over the place climbing up in laps, getting and giving hugs to everyone but when I strapped him in the car seat for lunch he was asleep before we got out of the parking lot. When we arrived at the restaurant I had to carry him in, he sat on his chair and leaned on me still sleeping. About forty five minutes later he woke up and ate his hot dog.
     When were headed to Jan's house she asked where her bowling ball was, Kay told her it was in the front seat because there was no room in the backseat. This answer prompted Matthew to say that we needed to get a  "monster truck" then we would have more room. It was Matthew's day, it was Jan's day.
      Alzheimer is slowly taking Jan away from those she loves and who love her. It is not an easy thing to watch a loved one slowly slip away but that is what is happening to Jan, there are times the disease seems to be evolving quickly so every moment is cherished, all the family can do is watch, hope and pray. It is not surprising that a small child can bring so much laughter, so many smiles and such happiness into such a dire situation, it is a gift children have and they are good at it. I am proud of Matthew for making so many people happy and I don't mind sharing him with family.

     Update - Kay and I were at Matthew's T-Ball game yesterday, Marie told us that Matthew shared his quarters with his sister MJ - he gave her two of them.



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