" When we recall the past, we usually find it is the simplest things - not the great occasions - that in retrospect give off the greatest glow of happiness "

Bob Hope

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

OOPS !!!!


    Over the past couple of years I acquired an interest in my heritage, where did I come from, who were my ancestors. My sister put the bug on me and I helped her to do some leg work on a few things but Linda was the one who did the major portion of the work  ( she's smarter than I am with a computer ). In the past whenever I was asked about my ancestry I would jokingly say they were Tennessee hillbilly's and some were probably hung as horse thieves. Now I know that the Riggan family is Irish on Dad's side and English on Mom's, if I counted right I am 13th generation American and while I can say there are some distant relations with a shady past none are horse thieves - so far.
    The point to all of this is that knowing who all of these people were by name is one thing but knowing them is quite another, there is very little known about them personally or their daily lives. This is why I started a blog, I want whatever I can remember about family to be passed on. My sons arrived later in life and missed out or were too young to remember those who came before them, hopefully I can paint them a picture of their extended family and maybe some day their kids will want to know their ancestors. I have heard of a quotation that sort of goes like " as long as they are remembered they will never die ", immortality even though you may be dead is a good thing for the living, for it is the stories passed from generation to generation that tell us who we are and where we came from and maybe why we do some of the things we do.
    Being a Blogger is something I had thought about since keeping up with little sister's worldly escapades required reading her Blog-- Horizon Seeker. I decided that I had things to say and asked sis to get me started, I wanted to call my blog Rantings of an old Fart but when she created the blog it came out Holding On To The Past, there are other old farts out there already ranting. Sis and I had already talked about our heritage and close relatives now deceased so why not tell the stories of our family as I remember them.
    I have already posted several articles and was in the process of writing more when for some strange reason I screwed up, I " thought " ( this is a key word - thought ) I was doing something that needed to be done and erased everything thus far published. My " old school " brain doesn't handle technology very well and I need to remember to focus only on the task at hand when working on a computer.
    Evidently all of my work so far is now floating around somewhere in cyber space and will never come back, so the task at hand is " re-write, re-write, re-write ". The good thing is that I have found that I remembered more of the past to put into the stories I have to tell, they say every thing happens for a reason, we'll see.

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