New Beginnings
All of my postings so far have been about the past, not that I want to hold on to the past so much but the past is where I once lived, where I once played and built memories that have lasted a lifetime. I have enjoyed writing these stories and think I have a few more yet to tell but now I am going to break precedent and speak of the future.
Saturday, the 15th of December 2012 at 12:13 pm a most beautiful little brunette entered my life, she weighed in at 6 lbs. 5 oz and stood 19 in tall, she immediately stole my heart. I am speaking of my Granddaughter Michaela Judy Riggan.
It was love at first sight as I held her in my arms for the first time and looked into her eyes, her tiny fingers struggled to wrap around one of mine but she managed a grip and held on tight. I wanted to cry out of sheer joy for the moment but too many tears had rolled down my cheeks lately. I do not want Michaela's life to start out in tears even if they are for joy, her childhood should be filled with laughter, her youth with excitement and her life with happiness.

Today I watched as her Grandmother held her, I saw a twinkle in Linda's eyes that was once reserved for Danny and Clay, I think though this twinkle may be brighter for Michaela. This little girl has captivated us both, as Grandparents we promise to willingly fulfill our duties and responsibilities to her; she will be loved and spoiled as Linda and I have been waiting for her for a long time. All I can say is the wait was worth every moment. Thank you, Marie, for the gleam you put in Linda's eye and the smile on her face, we love you.
I watched my son gently work his fingers around Michael's body as he picked her up to place her in my arms, the expression on his face was one of love and pride. My mind went back some 32 years to a night when I gazed upon his face for the first time, I wondered if fathers thru the ages have had the same expressions and feelings, I think so, there is something about your first born that never changes.
I want to say to Danny and Marie that we are proud of you and love you very much, Michaela's arrival could not have come at a better time, this is the best Christmas present I or Linda have ever received.
As for Michaela, just grab my finger and hold on tight. The path is not always smooth but your Mom, Dad, Grandmother and I will do our best to keep a smile on your face and laughter in your voice.
This was a serious time for Linda, she had been taken to the emergency room several days before and laid in ICU with a tube down her throat for two days, there was serious doubt she would last through the first night. She needed open heart surgery but was too weak for the procedure so she was spending time in the hospital to build up her strength. Her doctor allowed her to be taken down to the hospital cafe to see MJ, the staff knew the surgery was iffy and this could be the only time she would ever see MJ.